Gymnast Youtube Accounts

12:58 PM Arabian Punch Front 3 Comments

Photo Credit simonebiles on instagram

Oh to be a gymnastics fan in the digital age! We get to see snapchats of Australian and Italian friends sharing treats from their respective country. We get to see instagram photos from post-meet banquets. We get to see vines from nights out or of new skills. It's really a lot of fun to be a gym fan with social media at our fingertips. I've started to update a social media page but it is slow in coming about... Here's a list of a few gymnasts and their youtube channels. There really are some great videos that the gymnasts are making.

Mary-Anne (Mez) Monckton (AUS) || Channel
So Mez is literally the She started her youtube channel to document her rehab from ankle surgery and it was great to see her progress from learning to walk properly again to jumping to full beam routines! Most recently, Mez competed at the 2015 World University Games and documented the trip. I really love that we get an inside view on the rooms, the village, the competition hall, etc. The one I link to below doesn't have any gymnastics in it, it's all about the village but I think it's really neat!

Nile Wilson (GBR) || Channel
I only just discovered Nile Wilson had a channel. The videos are very well done and he has over 1000 hits on most of them. The one linked to below is a day in the life while at National Team camp at Lilleshall. There are also some funny bro moments in there.

Maggie Nichols (USA) || Channel
Maggie actually started her channel quite a few months (years?) ago but she's done a Q&A, leo collection vid, partner yoga challenge, and she also made a video from behind the scenes of 2015 Secret Classic.

Jake Dalton || Channel
Jake posted a few training videos and a few random things on his YT channel. I'm not sure if he plans on doing some rehab videos as he's scheduled for surgery soon.

Simone Biles (USA) || Channel
Simone has done "A Day in the Life" video as well as some videos from a trip to Belize for her brother's wedding.

Marian Dragulescu (ROU) || Channel
At 34 years old, Dragulescu is making a comeback for Team Romania. Dragulescu has started posting numerous videos of his training including a new vault (front handspring double front with a full twist - an extra half twist from his namesake vault). You can follow his journey on his channel.

Any others that should be added to the list? Anything that you would like to see from the gymnasts?