Stunning Leotards at the 2015 Secret Classic

8:41 PM Arabian Punch Front 2 Comments

The Secret Classic is the start of the competitive season in the United States and with it comes some fabulous leotards. Here were some of my favorites from both junior and senior sessions and both podium training and actual competition.

The leo worn by Olivia Dunne was the first leo to catch my eye. And it caught my eyes even at the distance of the podium training videos. I was terrified that I'd see the actual picture or video and hate it but the opposite happened. I loved it even more. I don't usually love ombre but I thought this looked so perfect with the right amount of sparkle highlighted on the pinkish-orange leo (is it coral?).

We got a sneak peak of Ashton Locklear's leo on her snapchat and seeing the whole leo was worth the wait. I don't usually like white leotards but balancing with the black sleeves and silver accents was perfect.

This leo totally caught my by surprise. It's worn here by Shania Adams of Buckeye Gymnastics. I was going through videos and my jaw literally dropped when I saw this one. Again with the ombre that I apparently like now. But in motion, this leo is perfect. I searched for a while for a photo and felt like no photo could do it justice but it's stunning. I give this leotard favorite competitive leo of the meet!

I thought this leo was simple and beautiful. It matches MG Elite's "Frozen" leotard from last year. I like the design, color of blue, and don't mind the nude mesh at all.

This is another leo that I thought I might not have liked. I don't like that leo that Russia wore at the 2012 European Championships with the deep leo-colored mesh but somehow it's smaller on this leo and fits perfectly.

A simple leotard but I like the design.

Another training leotard. The body might actually be velvet but it looks great. It's like a perfect fusion of gymnastics meets ballet and Lauren Navarro looked great in it.

This leotard is an Aly Raisman original. Many members of the National Team as well as gymnasts all over the world have this leotard now and I love it. I would not mind in the least if this was a podium training leo at international competition. Some don't like the horizontal orientation or the white strip in the middle but I think it somehow works and looks great on every gymnast.

This leotard is basically a bonus. It's similar to the leotard Twin City Twisters wore last year except in blue. Maggie Nichols and her teammates looked great in this leo and it fits now that Nichols is committed to the University of Oklahoma.

All photos were from either Christy Ann Linder or USA Gymnastics

Were any of these your favorites?


  1. I think my daughter would really like the second leotard that is pictured here. Anything glittery and girly tends to catch her eye. I'll have to see if I can find some pretty leotards that are similar to that one.
