Tour of Gymnastics Champions
Everyday I'm shufflin'
The gymnasts are now on the Tour of Gymnastics Champions. Here are some clips of video! First off, the level of skills that the athletes do is a lot higher than we've seen in previous tours. They're also actually dancing! I haven't watched all of these so forgive me if they're out of order. I haven't decided if I want to go or not. Injury video is last.
First off, Aly did a pretty legit floor routine. Not all of her passes but still, impressive for a tour. here
Then, the guys apparently take their shirts off. here
Then, the Fierce 5 (according to the comments, Nastia is in it too). here
End of show intros can be found here.
And the last routine. Here, the guys show off their AMAZING strength. The fierce 5 and the Olympic rings are in this too. here.
Tumblr Vids
I'll update this as I find them.
Here's a video of the Fierce 3 + cast in Ontario dancing to Party Rock. Click here
Lastly, we get to the injury video. McKayla starts on the bars on your right at 0:56 and Aly gets on after her. McKayla's leg just kinda caves and Aly makes a mistake while catching her
Injury Update
All we've heard is this from USA Gymnastics:
"Raisman, who was examined at the arena by the physician for the performance, has bruised knees. She will follow an icing and additional treatment regimen with continued assessment by the medical staff, but does not require any further testing at this time.
Maroney is undergoing medical evaluations and tests today to determine the extent of her injury to her left knee. A further update will be provided once Maroney’s injury is diagnosed and confirmed."
Videos from kidwithpaperplanes on youtube/shebopbop on tumblr
Photo from USA Gym on facebook